Qualified Rigger and Hand Signal

Training Details
1 year
4 hours
Written & Practical
1 year

Qualified Rigger and Hand Signal Training

Accurate has developed a comprehensive Qualified Rigger and Hand Signal Course in accordance with OSHA 1926 Subpart CC Cranes and Derricks in Construction.

Students will learn about General Worksite Safety Rules, Safety Devices, Hazards, Statistics, Inspections, Ground Conditions, Overhead Power Lines, Swing Radius, Operations, Assembly/Disassembly, Stop Work Authority, Rigging, Signal Persons, and Hand Signals.

Qualified Rigger

  • Possesses a degree, certificate or professional standing OR
  • Has extensive knowledge, training and experience AND
  • Can successfully demonstrate their ability to solve problems related to rigging loads
  • The person designated as the Qualified Rigger must have the ability to properly rig the load for a particular job.

Qualified Signal Rigger Must:

  • Must be used for hoisting activity for assembly and disassembly work.
  • Must be used anytime workers are within the fall zone and hooking, unhooking, guiding a load or completing the initial connection of a load to a component or structure.

Example of a Qualified Rigger

  1. A rigger may have extensive experience that has been gained over many years
  2. Experience does not automatically qualify the rigger to rig unstable, unusually heavy, or eccentric loads that may require a tandem lift, multiple-lifts, or use of custom rigging equipment
  3. Employers must make sure the person can do the rigging work needed for the exact types of loads and lifts for a particular job with the equipment and rigging that will be used for that job.

Signal Person

  • Operator does not have a full view of the point of operation
  • Operator view is obstructed in the direction that the equipment is moving
  • Operator or the person handling the load feels that a Signal Person is needed because of site-specific safety concerns

Qualified Signal Person Must:

  • Know and understand the signals used at a specific work site
  • Be competent in the application of the type of signals used.
  • Have a basic understanding of equipment operation and limitations, including the crane dynamics involved in swinging and stopping loads and boom deflection from hoisting loads.
  • Demonstrate that he/she meets the requirements
  • Must pass an oral or written test as well as a practical test


Signals General Requirements
General Worksite Safety
Safety Devices
Authority to Stop Operation
Inspections - Cranes and Derricks in Construction
Ground Conditions
Assembly/Disassembly - Employer Procedures - General Requirements
Overhead Power Lines
Signals General Requirements
General Worksite Safety
Safety Devices
Authority to Stop Operation
Inspections - Cranes and Derricks in Construction
Ground Conditions
Assembly/Disassembly - Employer Procedures - General Requirements
Overhead Power Lines

Target Audience

Crane Operators, Workers who handle Loads and work within Load Fall Zones.



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