
Ironwear 1511 N95 Disposable Folded Face Mask

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Ironwear 1511 N95 Disposable Folded Face Mask

(20 PER BOX) Lightweight, our N95 NIOSH certified respirator are designed for a secure fit. The compatibility of this mask makes it an ideal fit; compatible with a variety of protective eyewear and other secondary protective gear.

Manufacturer Ironwear
Details Two elastic bands allow for earless placement above and below areas typically bothered by ear-loop designs, making this mask ideal for long term wear.
Features A folded face design creates minimal discomfort and space for the wearer to feel free and able to breathe while reducing nose and mouth irritation.
Protection The soft texture of the Ironwear 1511 provides all necessary protections from particles and infectious sprays while meeting filtration requirements with its adjustable nose piece.